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On this page you will see various themes.  If you would like me to check out something of yours, please contact me and let me know.  Take a look and see what is happening right now:


Follow My Blog


Every once in a while I get the urge to say something.  One thing I know for sure, is if you have someting to say, it is important to be heard.  Thus, the creation of my blog.  Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule, I don't blog as often as I would like.  Check it out at  Perhaps you can use it as your muse.  Maybe you are looking for that one word; the word that will define something.


​What am I reading now...


I am currently reading Gregg Braden's "Fractal Time".  What a fabulous dvd collection.  Gregg Braden spins a story of cycles and patterns, keeping us spellbound learning how we came to be, and where we are going from here.  He explains fully how this world age will end and the next will begin.  Just a fascinating read.


What I just finished reading...


I didn't want to put this book down.  Being an animal lover, and a dog owner, this story captivated me.  "The Art of Racing in the Rain", by Garth Stein, was a great story of a family from the perspective of the beloved family dog.  Things are totally different if you look at your life through a different lens.  It was a good eye-opener.  Much enjoyed and already loaned out.


What I'm listening to right now...


Now that the United States election for President is over, I have more time to listen again to my much loved music.  I find music calming, actually believing that certain music resonates with you on a higher level.  There is so much today about brainwave entrainment and vibrations.  Music also brings back all the memories of good times.   Being music lovers, we enjoy all genres of music.  This year we enjoyed many concerts and look forward to many more.  There is so many great artists out there, and with the internet the access to listen to music of just about any artist you wish.  At present we just finished listening to the new Bob Dylan and Van Morrison CD's.  Excellent.


What's important to me...


At this time of year, and actually any time, giving back is important.  Those who live a life of abundance, are in a position to help others, who, through whatever circumstances, are in need.  The recent hurricane on the east coast of North America brought with stories of everyday heroes, who rose to the occasion when needed, to help others in need.  These stories are uplifting and motivating.  Bill Clinton's Global Initiative is one example of not only giving, but helping to shape the future of humanity as we see it.  And...this is just one example.

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