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What's In Your Box

Imagine your life as your box.What determines the quality of your box is what you put into your box, or the contents your box holds.If you store unused and old items, then your box becomes a storage box.If you put items which are important to you or mean the world to you, into your box, then your box becomes a valuable asset.You can keep the box with you or use it constantly, or you can put it away and never bother with it.You can let your box go empty, or you can keep on putting things into the box to keep it full.

People collect boxes.Some may love their box of paper, even more than their box of marble or gold, if their box of paper has sentimental value attached to it.If you put nothing into your box, your box will be empty and hold no value other than its intrinsic or property value. If you put too much into your box and overload it, the clutter and disorganization will not only affect the worth of its contents, but it may destroy the integrity of your box entirely.

It doesn’t matter what size, shape, color or style your box is.This is merely the outside of your box which holds the contents.You can decorate your box and make it fancy, but that doesn’t change the quality of your box.The same goes for a very plain box holding your valuable item.In fact, if your box grows old and worn, or you wish to change your box, the value of the contents would remain the same to you.

As your life goes, the same is for your box.You can’t take out something without first putting it in.You also can’t put in nine items and expect to take out ten items.   

Life is what you make it.The same is for your box.With all this considered - what do you want or need to take out of your box?If you can take anything out of your box that would make you happiest and fulfilled, what would that be?The answer is simple: What’s in your box?


 Marla David, Positive Lifestyle Coaching

 Empowering you with optimal tools to guide you in reaching your potential

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